Root Canal

Root canals are a common procedure and have a success rate of 95%. There are procedures in place that can help your root canal last such as placing the crown immediately following the root canal. It is also important to practice good oral hygiene habits after your root canal at home.

There are some cases where patients do have an issue after their root canal is complete. Even though it is unlikely, root canals can fail. Failed root canals can be due to cracks in or around the root area, or from an obstruction that can make cleaning the area difficult.

There are symptoms you can look out for that may indicate you may have an issue. These symptoms include sensitivity to hot or cold, swelling, or pain while chewing. If you experience any of these symptoms we urge you to call our office as soon as possible.

How Does an Apicoectomy Work?

If a patient has a blockage around the tooth that is preventing access to the root canal they may need an apicoectomy procedure. This procedure involves creating a small flap in the gum to access the root. The infected area is cleaned out and sealed to prevent further infection. This is a great way for our team to access the root area that has the blockage and save your tooth.

Other Treatment Options


The most common option for failed root canals is retreatment. This involves removing the original filling, and cleaning and disinfecting the canal. The area is then resealed to prevent further infection. This treatment has the highest success rate.


If both the apicoectomy and retreatment are not effective, removing the tooth is the last resort. With this option dental implants can be used to fill the empty space where the tooth was extracted.

Our team works closely with each patient to determine the severity and treatment options for a root canal failure. We want to choose the best option to save your tooth. Your health is our priority and we strive to provide the highest level of care for all of our patients.

Interested In Finding Out More?

If you are interested in finding out more about root canal therapy and treatment options for failed root canals, we encourage you to schedule an appointment. If you are experiencing symptoms of a failed root canal please do not hesitate to call our office. You should be seen as soon as possible.

To schedule your appointment contact our office, and our friendly staff will assist you.

oral health

Mouthwash is used to help rinse away bacteria or food particles after you brush and floss each day. Using mouthwash is an additional way to help protect your teeth and gums. Knowing the differences between mouthwashes can help you choose the right one to incorporate into your oral hygiene routine.

What Are The Different Types of Mouthwashes Available?

Mouthwash With Fluoride

Fluoride mouthwash contain sodium fluoride, and this helps to protect your teeth from decay and cavities. Fluoride is also found in toothpaste and is added to our tap water. Only using the required amount each day is important because too much fluoride can be harmful to your health. Reading the labels can help to ensure you are only using the appropriate amount that is recommended daily.

Antiseptic Mouthwash

Antiseptic mouthwash is the most common mouthwash used by most patients. This type of mouthwash contains alcohol and can help to stop bacteria in its tracks. Using an antiseptic mouthwash can help fight bad breath, and prevent infections. Patients must be careful using this type of mouthwash. Overuse can lead to stains or discoloration on your teeth. Following the recommended daily guidelines is important to keep your teeth and mouth healthy.

Cosmetic Mouthwash

This type of mouthwash is used to only freshen your breath. Cosmetic mouthwash does not do anything to help with your oral health. Using this type of mouthwash can help rinse food particles away, and is a temporary solution for bad breath.

Natural Mouthwash

Natural mouthwash is a common type of mouthwash that helps keep bacteria away and freshens your breath, but contains only natural ingredients. Natural mouthwash brands do not contain alcohol, and the ingredients are safer compared to other types of mouthwashes available.

During your routine cleaning it is important to discuss what products you are using at home including your mouthwash. Our team is available to access your dental health, and recommend the best mouthwash for you to use at home.

Interested in Finding Out More?

During your routine cleaning it is important to discuss what products you are using at home including your mouthwash. Our team is available to access your dental health, and recommend the best mouthwash for you to use at home.

If you are interested in finding out more about what mouthwash may be best for you, or to schedule your next exam, contact our office and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.